Mental Health, Substance Use and Addictions Committee
The Sooke Region Communities Health Network hosts a Mental Health, Substance and Addictions Committee that includes regional service providers, community members and individuals with lived experiences.
A community consultation is ongoing, where service providers and community members were consulted about their concerns, access to services and support journey while living in the Sooke Region.
The report is scheduled to be released publicly in March 2023.
If you wish to join this committee, please email or phone the SRCHN office at 778-365-1878.
Lend your experience and knowledge to an important community health initiative.
SRCHN Office Hours
Monday by Appt only
Tuesday & Wednesday 9-4
Thursday 10-5
Friday by Appt only
Office : 204-2120 Church Rd,
Sooke BC, V9Z 0W7
Mail: PO Box 642 Sooke BC, V9Z 1H6
Office Tel: 778-365-1878
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