Albert Einstein famously said, “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”
We agree! Sooke Region Lifelong Learning was launched in 2016 with this in mind, delivering over 300 free learning programs to adults of all ages in the years since - and expanding every year to match a growing number of eager learners with our talented and generous presenters, who offer their services free of charge.
We’re enormously proud of this 100-percent volunteer-run initiative, and happy to report that our previous term was very busy and well attended. If you participated in any of our courses, we thank you sincerely for your support.
This spring, there will be 20 new or returning courses to choose from on topics ranging from revolution to rainwater harvesting, hiking to healthcare advocacy, zero waste to quantum theory. You can take part in discussions about iconic feature films, thought-provoking documentaries, world events, and our new book club offering. Presenters will also introduce us to a new path towards liveable future for the planet, how our emotions affect our health, and much more.
Sooke Region Lifelong Learning is a volunteer organization offering educational programs and workshops for adults in the Sooke region. Based on the Elder College model, we provide stimulating and enjoyable learning environments that address the unique and diverse interests of participants. Programs are offered at the Sooke Library, at other locations in the community, and remotely on Zoom. Sooke Region Lifelong Learning functions as a working group under the auspices of the Sooke Region Communities Health Network (SRCHN). Email us here: sookeregionlifelonglearning@gmail.com
Everyone should have access to lifelong learning and personal growth opportunities, regardless of age, background, or finances. That’s why SRLL is free for all, with 15 to 20 learning opportunities provided each term by volunteer presenters.
We do have some minor expenses, though, which is why we began the “Friends of SRLL” program in 2024. This allows individuals to contribute to our mission and, in exchange, enjoy exclusive benefits: For $20 per year, Friends get a membership card and early registration privileges for two upcoming terms.
Would you like to help?
The quickest way to become a Friend is to ask the host at any SRLL session. The host will give you a card and you will be added to our Friends database, to be notified when early registration begins for the next term. Alternately, you can send an e-transfer for $20 to lorriebeauchamp@gmail.com, and Lorrie (one of our steering committee members) will confirm by email your Friend status and
Thank you for considering this opportunity to support Sooke Region Lifelong Learning. We look forward to welcoming you as a valued member of our community and working together towards empowerment through education.
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: January 7, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
Come and hear our presenters give a preview of their upcoming programs and join us for some good food with good friends to start off the new term. Hosted by the SRLL Steering Committee.
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: Thursday, January 9, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
Buying a car in Canada is complicated. We have some of the highest automotive taxes and some of the strictest regulations in the world. Are you wondering what to buy and how to buy it? We’ll talk about the choices you will have to make—for example, electric vs fossil vs fuel cell—and how to get the best value for your money. (You may have already discovered that what you see isn’t always what you get.) We’ll discuss who to trust and how you can protect yourself.
Presenter: John Bradley started his career with GM in 1976, then switched to retail sales in 1982, progressing into management and store ownership. He became part of the manufacturers’ “Private Sale” culture until the pandemic forced his retirement
Number of sessions: 3
Dates and time: Tuesday, January 14, Thursdays, February 13, March 27, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
After its inaugural term in 2024, Doc & Talk is back with three sessions and six new documentaries to review and discuss. Documentaries abound in our high-tech world, and there are many fascinating, innovative, and controversial ones that deserve our collective attention. These sessions are roundtable discussions, with all opinions and insights welcome. We encourage a space of lively sharing and debate, safe from censorship. For the first session, participants are asked to watch Brainwashed and Linda’s Last Trip, both available through Vancouver Island Regional Library’s Kanopy streaming site. Participants are encouraged to suggest any others they would like to explore in the remaining sessions.
Lorrie Beauchamp is a researcher and writer who has lived in Sooke for the past five years. A long-time cinephile, she averages five movies and/or documentaries a week, and then annoys all her friends trying to discuss them. So she thought—why not make it a learning opportunity?
Number of sessions: 2
Dates and time: Thursdays, January 16, 23, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
How and why do great social upheavals and revolutions occur? Over two sessions, we’ll base our discussion on the perspective of Walter Benjamin, an early 20th-century social critic using Michael Löwy’s 2005 book Fire Alarm, which explains Benjamin’s idea that revolutions begin with a longing for redemption. We’ll further illuminate Benjamin’s thoughts via the award-winning 2004 fantasy novel The Iron Council by China Miéville. Reading the texts is not required; however, if you’d like access to the books, please let us know at registration.
Jack Gegenberg is a retired theoretical physicist and has been a political activist for his entire adult life.
Number of sessions: 2
Dates and time: Presentation Tuesday, January 21;
Q&A group clinic Tuesday, February 4, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
Rainwater harvesting and management are tools that can help alleviate drought, protect aquifers, and reduce pollution of our waterways. As climate change, development pressures, and aquifer concerns evolve, appropriate planning is essential. The steps to ensure the success of a rainwater system, providing healthy and safe water supplies through environmentally sound practices, will be presented and discussed. This interactive presentation has opportunities for participants to share their questions about rainwater, problems with existing systems, and thoughts on how we manage our water supplies. The follow-up Q&A session will get into actual details of specific projects.
Presenter: Ken Nentwig is a retired landscape architect and has been engaged in education through Gaia College, the Canadian Association for Rainwater Management (CANARM), Pacific Horticulture College, and the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA). This has grown into numerous consultations and installations of rainwater systems. Certified through ASSE in rainwater design, installation, and inspection, he also created the CANARM rainwater practitioners certification for Canada.
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: Tuesday, January 28, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Sooke is so beautiful. I would love to go for a hike in the hills, but I’m just not sure where to start. Where do I go? How do I find my way? How do I meet others to go hiking with? What do I wear or bring? What if I or someone else gets hurt? What if I encounter wildlife? What if I get lost?” Nikki will draw on her education and variety of experience to answer all these questions and more.
Presenter: Nikki Ducharme, a retired military veteran of 33 years, was a geomatics technician in the army and radar plotter in the navy. Her qualifications include a 21-day Outward Bound mountaineering course, BC Mountaineering Club (BCMC) course, navigation instructor for BCMC, and mountaineering instructor for a private Seattle-based mountaineering club.
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: Thursday, January 30, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
In 1998, Cynthia spent six months in Nepal through Canadian Crossroads International, which allowed university students and others to volunteer and get a much wider outlook on the world outside of Canada. Cynthia arrived in the bitter cold of early January and worked in a small village 10,000 feet above sea level in the Annapurna Mountains, spending most of her time in a daycare centre started by the mothers in the village. Her talk will describe village life in this remote place and the conditions in the little school.
Presenter: Cynthia Quinn-Young came to Vancouver from England to work as a nurse at the Vancouver General Hospital pediatric ward. Her final position before retirement was as a supervisor with home support services and it was during this time that she was granted six months’ unpaid leave to go to Nepal, a trip that changed her life.
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: Thursday, February 6, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), emotions are intimately linked with TCM’s organ system theory and our physical health. This talk will explore how the seven emotions—anger, joy, pensiveness, sadness, worry, fear, and shock—can impact our body, mind, and spirit. Learn how acupuncture can support overall health, boost vitality, and restore balance during times of stress or life challenges. Participants will also be introduced to the self-care practice of applying pressure to acupressure points with their hands, a practice easily incorporated into daily routines for enhanced well-being.
Presenter: Christine Breuninger is a registered acupuncturist at Sea to Tree Health and Wellness in Sooke. After a personal health journey, she shifted from a career in feature films in Vancouver to study holistic nutrition and acupuncture in Victoria. She is also a Reiki Level III master practitioner, dedicated to helping others navigate life’s challenges.
Number of sessions: 6
Dates and time: Fridays, February 7, 14, 21, 28, March 7, 14, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
We’ll talk about Einstein’s view of space and time, about quantum theory, and how these theories changed our view of the universe. We begin with the beautiful theory of gravity (Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity), which uses the curvature of space and time to explain this fundamental force of nature. Then we continue with the modern understanding of matter based on elementary particles and the interactions between them (the Standard Model). We conclude the course with what these theories tell us about how the Universe begins, and how it may (or may not) end.
Presenter: Jack Gegenberg is a retired theoretical physicist. His research was, and still is, on how to reconcile quantum theory and Einstein’s theory of gravity. He has lived in Sooke for seven years.
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: February 11, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
We humans have a fascinating relationship with clothing and have become disconnected from the knowledge of where our clothing and textiles come from. Shayna will offer a look at the important social history of clothing and fibre and its environmental impact. She will bring in samples of fibre and discuss how they differ. How does sheep fibre differ from alpaca or llama, for example? She will also provide some fibre prep tools for a hands-on experience of how fibre becomes thread, yarn, and then cloth.
Shayna Chamitoff is a master spinner and knitter and also has experience with weaving and natural dyeing. She is a supporter of the Vancouver Island Fibreshed, part of the Fibreshed International movement.
Number of sessions: 2
Date and time: Wednesdays, February 12 and 19, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Zoom only
The world is difficult to comprehend sometimes, and in this discussion group we seek to make some sense of the myriad ideas and actions that pervade our world scene. Chris Moss has been facilitating these conversations for several years now and has created a lively community online, where opinions fly off the screen and everyone has their say. Join him for stimulating interactions and discussions.
Presenter: Chris Moss is a long-time member of Sooke Region Lifelong Learning and a dedicated follower of world events.
Number of sessions: 2
Dates and time: Thursdays, February 20 and 27, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
Who would speak for you if you couldn’t speak for yourself? In session one, we focus on the crucial first step of having meaningful conversations with loved ones and trusted individuals who may act on your behalf in a healthcare setting. Through interactive activities and real-life scenarios, gain confidence in engaging in these important discussions. After the conversations, it’s time to get the paperwork in order in session two, and we’ll look at the documents and legal requirements in BC, including Representation Agreements, Advance Directives, and Powers of Attorney. Learn about the legal requirements and steps to take when formalizing your plans. Please note that these sessions are not a substitute for professional advice.
Presenter: Vicki Dolling is a public librarian with more than 30 years of
experience in the medical field. She has worked as a clinical medical librarian, patient advocate, and end-of-life educator, helping patients and families navigate medical information and services.
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: Tuesday February 25, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
We’ve given up single-use plastic bags, straws and bottled water, but the average Canadian household still wastes more than $1,300 in food each year. What are some next steps we can take to reduce our trash footprint, avoid pesky plastic, and declutter and simplify our lives? In this interactive workshop, we’ll brainstorm ways to refuse, reduce, and reuse. Do you bring a pillowcase to the bakery for your bread? Save your vegetable trimmings and make broth? Let’s share ideas and resources for going more zero waste—all of our wonderful ideas will go onto the ZWS website.
Presenters: Members of Zero Waste Sooke, a citizen’s initiative dedicated to cleaner, greener, wholly realistic dreams of a hometown region that reduces and manages its ecological footprint. They plan events and education sessions to encourage individuals to reduce their waste, holding community cleanups, repair cafés, and swaps of yarn, school supplies, and other items.
Number of sessions: 6 Please register early; maximum enrollment: 20
Dates and time: Wednesdays, February 26,
March 5, 12, 19, 26,
April 2, 1:30 – 4:00pm
Location: To be announced at registration
In this recurring SRLL favourite, each term six films are chosen around a central theme. We all watch them together, then discuss them over juice and cookies. The theme this spring is to be announced, and film titles will be sent to those who register and will be posted on the website and social media accounts once determined.
Presenters: Arlene Stamp is a retired artist with a longstanding interest in, and deep knowledge of, films. She (with husband Bob Stamp) initiated and has led the SRLL film course since SRLL’s inception. Jack Gegenberg is a retired theoretical physicist and passionate film nut. He has been involved in the SRLL film course for several years.
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: March 4, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
As a new Sooke online radio station launches, we’ll take a look at how it all got started, what the vision is for the future, and how Sooke community members of all ages can be involved. With plans to eventually secure FM status, Sue will share how her journalism expertise brought her to this perfect moment in Sooke’s future. She will explain how a new radio station can bring people of all ages together, and what content is being planned to launch this new media.
Sue Elrington is a former journalist and current board member of the new Sooke Radio Society. She brings a 20-year career in radio, as well as podcasting experience, to the Sooke Radio Society project. Sue started in community radio in Montreal, followed by stints in private radio and at CBC Radio in Montreal and Victoria.
Number of sessions: 2
Dates and time: Tuesday, March 6 and 13, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
In today’s world of information overload, finding trustworthy health information can be tough. In session one, we’ll dive into navigating online information. Discover how to evaluate websites, use trusted databases, and recognize red flags on social media, empowering you to become a confident health information navigator. Gain the skills to make informed health decisions, whether you’re researching a condition or helping a loved one. In session two, you’ll learn how to make the most of your visits with healthcare professionals by preparing questions, organizing your medical history, and communicating your concerns clearly. We’ll explore strategies for building a partnership with your healthcare team, understanding instructions, and advocating for yourself or a loved one. Gain the tools and confidence you need to take control of your health!
Presenter: Vicki Dolling is a public librarian with more than 30 years of experience in the medical field. She has worked as a clinical medical librarian, patient advocate, and end-of-life educator, helping patients and families navigate medical information and services.
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: Tuesday, March 11, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
Bone loss (osteopenia and osteoporosis) can be a concern as we grow older. Supplementing with calcium alone will neither build nor maintain bones and it can lead to troublesome calcium build-up in joints, arteries, tendons and kidneys. This session focuses on diet, including the many nutrients required for healthy bone building, what foods contain them, and how the body best absorbs them into the bones and teeth where we want them. We will also discuss calcium supplements, how to prevent leaching of minerals from bones, what type of exercise promotes bone-building, and the relationship between osteoporosis, bone density, and fractures (it may not be as straightforward as you think).
Presenter: Jo Phillips, A.A. Nursing, RNCP, has been a Registered Nutritional Consultant for 27 years and is a retired community health nurse. She has given workshops on nutrition for places as varied as Camosun College Continuing Education and CUPE SD #62 Wellness Days. She continues to upgrade her nutrition expertise and enjoys sharing her knowledge with others.
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: Tuesday, March 18, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
Many scholars now say we have reached the end of the modern age and are moving into an epochal shift. Across the sciences and social sciences, exciting new research is emerging that surprisingly connects to some ancient knowledge. Together, this points away from the most problematic ideas of the modern age and its climate and biodiversity crises and points toward “new stories” that offer small seeds of hope for humanity and hint at practices for more life-giving ways of being.
Dr. Elizabeth Lange is a professor of adult and lifelong education serving four Canadian universities, and an Honorary Fellow at the Institute for Sustainable Futures, Australia. Elizabeth’s latest book is Transformative Sustainability Education. She is a recent Hall of Fame inductee for her global contributions. Locally, she is co-chair of the Fireweed Learning Commons.
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: Thursday, March 20, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
Swiss sociologist Bernard Crettaz organized the first Café Mortel in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, in 2004. Since then, hundreds of people from countries all over the world have gathered together for open conversations about death, dying, and everything in between. This is a space for community members to explore topics like mortality, death, and what we hope for ourselves and others. Come join us to share your thoughts, reflect on experiences, or simply listen. This event is for anyone open to discussing the topic. It’s not a grief support group, though grief may come up naturally. Everyone is welcome. No experience needed—just a willingness to engage.
Presenter: Vicki Dolling (and co-facilitator Kerice Richards). Vicki is a public librarian with more than 30 years of experience in the medical field. She has worked as a clinical medical librarian, patient advocate, and end-of-life educator, helping patients and families navigate medical information and services.
Fire Weather, by John Vaillant
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: Tuesday, March 25, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
Come to the SRLL book club and discuss our spring 2025 choice:
Fire Weather: The Making of a Beast.
John Vaillant has written a tour de force, covering the linkages between climate change and the wildfire menace, but also reaching beyond these to explore the deepest human interactions with nature. Nowhere are these issues more relevant than in B.C. This award-winning book is available in several formats through the VIRL system but there are waitlists. However, a book club set will be made available. Please ask for a copy at the Sooke Library.
Tim Traynor is a former journalist (postings in London and Washington) and a retired federal public servant, specializing in international issues.
Number of sessions: 2
Dates and time: Tuesdays, April 1 and 8, 1:30 – 3:00pm
Location: Sooke Region Museum Events Pavilion
A community museum plays a special role in any community’s life, providing opportunities to understand the place where we live and to build pride and connections among community members. From 17th-century cabinets of curiosities to 21st-century cultural hubs, museums continue to evolve, offering perspectives on contemporary society. In the first session, we look back at how the museum came to be and the role of community museums. In the second session, we’ll continue to explore the important role of community museums, with opportunities for discussion about the Sooke Region Museum of the future and how we can respond to the changes we are experiencing throughout the region.
Michelle Richard, executive director of the Sooke Region Museum and Visitor Centre, will lead the sessions with guest presenters. Michelle has a background in history, art history, and cultural resource management, and has worked in community arts and cultural heritage for more than 20 years.
Number of sessions: 1
Date and time: Thursday April 10, 1:30 -3pm
Location: Sooke Library Multipurpose Room
Everyone is welcome to our end-of-term thank-you gathering to wrap up the spring term for 2025. Enjoy some good food with good friends as well as some spirited conversation about the many topics presented during the semester. And feel free to offer some suggestions for the coming fall term. We always enjoy hearing ideas from our community. Hosted by the SRLL Steering Committee.
SRCHN Office Hours
Monday to Friday
9am to 4pm
Office : 204-2120 Church Rd,
Sooke BC, V9Z 0W7
Mail: PO Box 642 Sooke BC, V9Z 1H6
Office Tel: 778-365-1878
We are grateful for the support from: